angela meet... hitch is it???

Oh dear, oh me. It's been a while since my last entry, I guess I've just been too busy getting all sit-e-ational on ya.

As I currently look down at my fingers flying on the keyboard I can't help but notice my new tattoo. Henna tattoo that is. Yes, I got it nearly a week and a half ago at the First Fridays at the MOCA. When they told me it would last two weeks I rolled my eyes and thought to myself, "Chaa. I bet it doesn't last two hours." And here we are, two weeks later and my still stained right wrist not only reminds me of my wrongful assumption that night but also of a new friend.

As my friend and I were walking into the museum that night we noticed a ...might I say dashing individual walking alongside us. We both turned to each other with the same question : "Was that guy just looking at us?" We decided that the answer was a most definite yes. He was staring at us. And unabashedly so.

Now, getting into the MOCA is harder than getting into one of the Jonas brothers' pants. First you must get a ticket and print out a confirmation only to never actually have to show anyone this considering this is 2009 and they have each person's name listed. Once you tell your name you're given a ticket. You're also carded and given another ticket that proves you're 21. I guess they didn't gather that it'd all be a 21+ crowd given that "happy hour" is the main draw here. And then, after you're given your well-earned tickets you give them away ....two seconds later. Then you are led to the coat check. Yup, 'nother ticket. Then, you must purchase tickets for drinks. One for each dollar. Seriously?

But alas, why do you care about tickets? You don't. The point of my story is that my handful of tickets led me to meet ...him. The staring stranger from outside. My friend spotted him inside and nudged me. My ever so graceful reply was meant to be, "What?" but turned out to just be a "Whaaaa" with me staring at him with my mouth gaping open when I realized what was happening. Contact had been made. Who was this mysterious man? A mere five minutes later he'd make his entrance: "Do you guys ever meet lame people?" Um. What? Pardon? Are you calling us lame? Did you just meet someone lame? Was that a slight lisp I detected... and perhaps a slight inflection? Are you you also dream of getting into the Jonas brothers' pants?

Nearly all my questions and more were answered throughout the night. I discovered that another "s" could be added to staring stranger's name: Shahin, his actual name. While we're adding "s" words, lets add another: shadow. Shahin stuck with us the rest of the night and boy oh boy, did we learn a lot about him. Basically, Shahin has the same job Will Smith did in the movie Hitch. Yes, he advices men on how to effectively date women.

As if to drive home the bizarreness of this career choice, several older men approached him throughout the night with an aura of awe and appreciation. As the night continued we learned Shahin's theories (each person falls into one of four categories: king, warrior, magician, magistrate) and tips for picking up the opposite sex (stand with your feet point toward them). He was a wealth of advice for us girls, who were of course eating up anything and everything that came out of our new, outspoken friend's mouth.

Now I can't exactly say his advice was great. Some tidbits include giving the submissive look when interested in someone and oh! gladiator sandals. I think he fancies himself quite the fashionista. Within the first five minutes of meeting he pointed out his outfit: jeans, mint green tight v-neck and a white zippy. Not exactly a runway look here but not bad. Of course what do I know? He asked me if he could take me shopping, to Anthropologie no less. Hmm, should I be offended?

My favorite advice given from him by far was the ways to approach a group of people you don't know. Ask on open-ended, easy question. Sound advice. His example? "So do you guys think Oprah is sexy?" Okay, what? I mean really? That's almost as - for lack of a better word - lame as asking "So do you guys ever meet lame people?" I mean, just ...what?

As the night ended, it was these things that just made Shahin great. I love interesting people and believe you me, this one's interesting. We even discovered he has an affection for clear nail polish. This was of course, not something he willingly told us. He was after all maintaining that he was straight. No, my friend, the future CIA candidate, noticed this detail.

And you know I was really trying to give him the benefit of the doubt and believe him when he told me he was straight but the more I think about it I'm not so sure.

Because I mean, clear nail polish ...seriously?

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